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  1. R

    How about Shooting Coaches?

    I think I made a right turn at the bakery or something. What type of coaching could be done during a competion? As far as telling someone they missed a target, I have done that several times during a match to the shooter next to me. I guess I don't take any match that serious. Dean
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    How about Shooting Coaches?

    Tony great, post I agree with everything you have suggested. I would like to add that your equipment should determine chasing X's (as I call it). If your real group size is too large, it is not going to work. The other thing is confidence in your equipment without that, good luck. The other part...
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    Air Rifles

    Do they shoot outdoors? I have shot one, and yes they are close to our rimfires. Whole different game. Dean
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    Airing it out

    Bruce I am a 3 gun competitor. I do not see your point. To me it doesn't matter if I am alone at a bench, or they are full. I would agree that state, regional, or Nationals should not allow this. But a regular match if they behaved themselves I would not mind at all. I am sure the ranges would...
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    Noob with bag questions

    Tony I don't think anyone can answer your question. From what I have observed everyone has their own preference. Using say a hard bag. Just how hard is that. You may not have the gun set to begin with. First you need to align the bag. Then set the stock in the bag. I do this with a little down...
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    Rimfire for 10 year old grandson

    grandson w/out video games I am in the same boat. Although I am a competive shooter already, I will just have him slide into one of mine. In your shoes and budget, I would look at the rifles for sale on this fourum. Just a new mounted custom barrel would run 600 or so and that is with an...
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    Best experience with 1 shot cold bore barrels

    black hole I think this is a very interesting problem. I for sure am no expert at this. But I would try. Show up with a foulde barrel. A clean cold bore is unpredictable. A cold fouled is to but not as much. 'I would also try to prelube the barrel. There are lubes out there, mostly for the...
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    275 scoring in 50/50

    275 scoring I would like to here opinions on the 275 scoring. I am a realative new shooter, just finishing my 4th yr. I have looked thru my matches this year and it would for sure change the game somewhat. In my opion it is a better overall method of measuring ones performance. A little less...
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    275 scoring in 50/50

    This is a viable option. For example take a look at the 3 gun list. Travis Beste has shot his sporter only, in most of the matches. His heavy gun was not doing well so he put a vari scope on. His results speak for themselves. It can be done. Dean p.s Oh to have young eyes again
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    IR50 in MN? Anyone here from MN that shoots IR50?

    Hi Keith, I am Dean Ackman. I am a regular shooter at new richmond and hutch. I live just a stone throw or so from you. Well maybe a little further, Brimson is what the area is called. My wife works in Aurora at the hospital. I am new to this game (couple years) but doing very well thanks to...
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    when it is nice to lose a card

    I shot an IR 50/50 match last Sat. I lost the 14.5 card and was thrilled. How you may say Mr. Doug Bell shot a 250 24x. And the conditions were far from ideal, to say the least My congradulations on a great card and well deserved. He is a great competitor and I wish hin nothing but the best...
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    Triple Crown Payment Time

    Where is this list. I would like to attend and have sent in entry fee. Thanks Dean Ackman
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    Myakka City, FL. , Manatee Gun club IR5050 match

    Doug just got back Wen from Tampa, was floating aroung the Carribean for a few days with a bunch of Jar heads. Woke up this morning to -11. Nice to have a nice long fall here, winters a coming. I just bought a sporter so hopefully I will be able to keep all you cheese heads honest. And what...
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    Dean Ackman's first Sporter 250

    Hoot I highly recomend you stop by. I better bunch of folks you will not find. Aug 2nd @9:00 am is the Mn State shoot. It promises to be a great time Dean
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    Dean Ackman's first Sporter 250

    Thank you Doug. The people that shoot this sport are simply outstanding. It has been such a pleasure to get into this game and play with all of you. The help I have received has shortened my learning curve so drastically it amazes me. Thank you all, especially you, Dean Bircher, Fred Wickstrom...
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    no wind conditions

    Mike I will do some tuning the next time I encounter the No wind. FYI I am working on a new barreled sporter. It is giving me some trouble. Like a 241 with 14Xs. and 4 deuces. Think we solved most of it, will see this Saturday. Dean
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    no wind conditions

    Evan I have shot indoors. It shot fine. 250 15X IR target. It does shoot better with a little wind. Dean
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    no wind conditions

    Bill Thanks for the vote of confidence, I have been doing pretty well I had another no wind yesterday, IR match in the morning, really frustrating. After the IR match we had an ARA match. The wind came up 1 or 2mph and the gun worked great
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    no wind conditions

    mike the not in tune was my first thought of possible things to play with. the gun, in my very inexperienced opinion, shoots very well 22X best with many 18-20s this and last year in IR50/50. Would we be talking a little adjustment or alot? Dean
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    no wind conditions

    mirage is not the issue either. I also observed several other normally very good guns W/shooters, not doing well Dean