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  1. D

    Results of the Isabella County Sportsman's Club 100 Yd Group Shoot 5-13-2017

    Another successful match at ICSC... This has been a very good year so far. Many of the shooters who fired in the Harrison Sportsmans Club matches, started in 1991, all those years are now shooting at ICSC. I count thirteen of the twenty competitors as being Harrison shooters including Hutch...
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    Very Sad News - Dick Grosbier passes

    It's too bad. Dick did a lot for the sport. It's going to be hard to replace a man like him.
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    Isabella County Sportsman's Club 100 Yd Group Shoot This Saturday, May 13!

    Andy, I've never really understood why a lot of shooters shy away from a group match. Everybody shoots groups to work up loads for and sight in their rifles... like everybody. Trust me... it's just exactly like it was when you were trying to decide on a load. No criticism here... you are not...
  4. D

    Isabella County Sportsman's Club 100 Yd Group Shoot This Saturday, May 13!

    Matt tells me that there will be a few changes this time, all done to make shooting easier and more fun. All registration, coffee and donuts, get your targets, etc, will be in the range house right behind the 100 yd. line. No need to stop up at the main clubhouse. To make it easier for Matt...
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    VFS Match at the Iosco Sportsmens Club, NE Michigan

    Chuck, The .22 BR shoots are held late (Start time 6 PM) on Thursday afternoons. Consequently they don't get many shooters that have any distance to drive. I wish they were held on weekends. Dick
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    Problem Post Cataract Surgery

    Just for the heck of it, loosen the back end of the scope and re-focus your crosshair. That double image you are getting could very likely need a simple adjustment to remove. This is best done against a plain background... the sky works well. This adjustment is kinda persnickety. You will have...
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    VFS Match at the Iosco Sportsmens Club, NE Michigan

    I think you are talking about a rimfire .22. These are centerfire, many of them 6 PPC's. There are two kinds of rimfire matches down at Isabella County Sportsmans Club, just outside of Mt. Pleasant. I recommend the egg shoots that are held on Sunday afternoons. Google the ICSC and click on...
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    This Just In!

    Al, I can't believe it's been that long. Time sure flies. Look forward to seeing you. Dick
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    My new benchrest rifle...

    FWIW... I have this to shoot in matches whilst I wait to get the .222 done. Borrowed from a friend, this was smithed by L.E. Wilson for himself and stocked by Tom Shelhamer. It's a .220 Wilson Arrow. To me this represents an important piece of our benchrest history... By Wilson, outa...
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    My new benchrest rifle...

    It shot very well last summer when I test fired it in the pattern stocks. I'm crossing my fingers now, hoping it does as well now that it has the new stocks. The riflesmith that's checkering and bluing it for me (Charles Grace) is one of the founding members of the American Custom Gunmakers...
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    My new benchrest rifle...

    The other side of the checkering. I can't wait to shoot this thing.
  12. D

    My new benchrest rifle...

    Chuck just sent me pics of the pistol grip checkering.
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    VFS Match at the Iosco Sportsmens Club, NE Michigan

    Andy, If I get my gun back in time, I will try to make it. It was supposed to be here a month ago but my gunsmith has been sick. When I got sick three years ago I sold my bench guns. My Ruger .22 is the only suitable gun I have and it's in Colorado. I'll try. Dick Next ICSC shoot is a group...
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    Results of the Isabella County Sportsman's Club 100 Yd Score Shoot 4-22-17

    Al, It ain't the same without you. Matt ran this much the same as we did at Harrison. Come shoot. Dick
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    This Just In At The Isabella County Sportsman's Club!

    Matt, We have Jeff Poet at Jay's to thank for their sponsorship.Their generous support allows us to give some really nice awards for winning. I've been shooting benchrest for forty years and I've never seen a club that was able to do so. Hey, if this gets any better, maybe some day we can...
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    My new benchrest rifle...

    Still haven't got the gun back... The checkering is done and now Charlie has to rust blue it and put it back together. He said probably this week. That would give me a week to do load work-up before our match on the 22nd. Charlie fired a few cases in the gun and sent them to Neil Jones so he...
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    Jim Fedorowich

    Sorry to hear that, Bill. Jim was fun to shoot will... not like a lot of those loud, noisy Canadians.:o Dick
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    We Haven't Had A Good Car Thread In A While...........My '67 Chevelle

    I just had the belt change and the dealer took pity on me... It cost a tad under a thousand bucks. In a couple of weeks I will be loading the back end with shooting equipment and going to matches. One nice thing about 944's. There's room to do so. I had a really good looking 911 a few years...
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    My new benchrest rifle...

    Oops! Thanks! Love that coupe. Back in the 50's I spent a lot of time cruising State St. in Saginaw with my own Ford... nothing like Lee's. I don't expect to win a lot with the Ruger but it won't be for lack of trying. Old age and health issues make serious competition difficult nowdays...
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    Car Thread

    Check out Lee's three window coupe.