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  1. H

    IBS 200-300 yard Kentucky State Championship...

    I'll be there Mark and I anxiously await that great sounding meal!.... but......"and if you sit one on top of your head, your tounge will beat a hole in the roof of your mouth to get to it".... I sure won't risk this practice!..;>) See Ya there Pal -H
  2. H

    The Rise of the Varmint Hunter Class

    I’m enjoying watching this thread. Although I do not shoot 6X presently, I hope that my limited competing in HBR several years ago gives me license to opine. Lot’sa good comments/ideas by the contributors to this thread. “I favor dropping the case capacity and caliber requirement to encourage...
  3. H

    Buckcreek Score Match?

    Jackie, Thanks need to go in your direction also…. For the hospitality and the work involved in providing a great place for us to shoot. And yes, Moses put on quite a shooting clinic by “staying clean” under some pretty tricky conditions….while he was giving lessons I must’a been asleep..;>)...
  4. H

    Where Have All The Shooters Gone?

    Within the contents of this thread there are a lot of good comments so there has to be some answers to the issue of how to introduce new shooters. I know what got me interested was a simple informal club shoot that was shot with factory rifles. Once bitten by the “accuracy bug” then Benchrest...
  5. H

    Where Have All The Shooters Gone?

    Mike, This thread posed the question “where all have the shooters gone”. Tony C. just voiced his opinion, as I did, that he felt like UBR promoted getting shooters into a competitive arena, it is from our observation and experience that we shared the view of UBR being successful in our areas...
  6. H

    Where Have All The Shooters Gone?

    That may be the way you see it Mike in Co. or you may be baiting folks with that comment and if you are then I’ll bite. I agree with Tony C., I enjoy UBR and in our area the UBR matches are well attended with rifles of different classes and calibers, so a person must guess that folks embrace...
  7. H

    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year everyone...and "Thanks" back at 'cha Danny. Looking forward to the 2012 season...;>) -H
  8. H

    UBR shooters and all interested parties

    "thanks for your time and trouble danny !" Ditto on what George said and looking forward to next year!.....hope your deer season went well..;>) -H
  9. H

    Dean Breeden sweeps both VFS and Hunter at IBS 200/300 Nationals

    Congrats to all the winners! Dean's shooting amazed everyone with the scores he shot in the conditions during the match...I thought it could have been that "Mac Tools" seat he was using but after I borrowed his "lucky" seat I quicky knew it was not any "karma" associated with that..;>) One of...