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  1. D

    NBRSA Survey

    Everyone Everyone: The mail system for the NBRSA Survey was accidently closed on Friday and it could not be opened until Sunday evening (1/5/20). However all requests for the key that were sent between Friday and Sunday night have now been answered so look for the key in your email. There is...
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    2nd Half of the 2013 Arizona State 4 Gun Championship April 6-7

    Which end of Range Art Which end of range will you be using? Dave
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    Sacramento - Folsom Shooting Club

    Lynn: Why don't you go back to your own whining thread and leave this one alone. Some people try to enjoy this sport!!!!!!!!! Move on and get over it!!!!!!
  4. D

    Gene beggs makes big mistake !!!

    I may be mistaken, but since I am a newbie please have patiences with me. When CL Peterson responded about a 30 F change in temperature, He inidcated that y ou would move up from 54 clicks to 55.5 or down to 52.5 clicks. From what Gene said earlier your can be no more than .6 grains (1 full...