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  1. G

    Obama and the clintons at the grave site

    Sounds right to me.
  2. G

    we need a humor forum.....until then

    This gets my vote for the best so far! Great............just great!
  3. G

    Scope gone bad

    What doe it cost to ship and insure a scope to Japan?
  4. G

    Here's what you can do in the privacy of your closet........

    I could never work in there. Far to neat and orderly.
  5. G

    Manchin & Toomey, time will come to remember them.

    I live in West Virginia. A huge part of Manchin's campaign was based on his A rating from the NRA. He even was dressed in hunters clothes and shot a rifle into a copy of Obamacare bll on a tree. His opponent was a strong conservative and very pro gun and business. But, being a Democrat in...
  6. G

    SEB NEO Rest

    Seb Thank you for a outstanding product. I have never bought anything in my life that is so perfect and well thought out. PLEASE don't change you dedication to quality and perfection. To those me, it is worth the wait. Geronimo Jim
  7. G

    Spread the word on this news clip to everyone you know.

    I am a cowboy action shooter. On a friend's gun cart is a sign that says "Life is to short to drink cheap whiskey or argue with idiots."
  8. G

    Spread the word on this news clip to everyone you know.

    Take a break and have a glass of Cool Aid.
  9. G


    The government school system has done it's job.
  10. G

    Spread the word on this news clip to everyone you know.

    Watching MSNBC? Wow. Try Fox.
  11. G


    I got it!
  12. G

    The AR Alternative

    If they get a semi-auto ban, it won't help and as history shows, it is only a matter of time before they extend it to pumps, etc.
  13. G

    Reloading costs and inflation.

    My guess is that the cost of raw materials is the biggest reason for the big jump in gun related stuff. With instability in markets, fear of inflation, more people are investing/speculating on gold, silver, copper, lead, metals. Along with that is the tremendous growth of China using tons of...
  14. G

    antigun talk on a gun site?? can anyone explain it to me ??

    I can only speak from personal experience. I have encountered shooters who love guns but still argue the anti gun talking points. Example....why does anyone need 20 round magazines. The reason in my personal experience is these people are hard core Democrats and/or union members. So while...
  15. G

    Could there possibly BE a worse response???

    It is coming if we all take that attitude. We all need to united and get busy. All this crap can be stopped if we stand up and and make some noise. Politicians remember what happened after the Clinton Gun Ban. Let's remind those who forgot. Why didn't Obama try this crap in his first term...
  16. G

    Could there possibly BE a worse response???

    Never forget that the people pushing this stuff want to completely eliminate guns from society. Step by step. This would be a big step.
  17. G

    SOME REFERENCE POINTS for those who do not buy on a regular basis

    I thought anyone on this forum would realize this was a joke.
  18. G

    SOME REFERENCE POINTS for those who do not buy on a regular basis

    "mrs yomama's little boy..." That's funny. And the rest of the economy......well Duah! And thanks for the info.
  19. G

    SOME REFERENCE POINTS for those who do not buy on a regular basis

    See what a great job President Obama is doing to improve the economy.