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  1. J

    Head count!

    Need A Place to Shoot BR I would like in compete in Airgun BR competition but lack of any organized shoots near by (3-4 HRS) makes it near impossible. 50BR would make a great platform ( many more Venues) if Airguns where allowed. JoeWillie
  2. J

    Holbrook Indoor results Dec 2, 2017

    Looks like the RAWS still have it! Good shooting all, I'll try and dust off my LV RAW and bring it to the Jan. Shoot. Just need to gas up and find the pellets LOL. MarkN
  3. J

    Holbrook indoor results Nov 1

    Thanks Paul Paul, Another fun day, hope your feeling better soon. A couple of small corrections before you submit to the Scoreline if you would please. The 750 I shot was in HV with a RAW and the 744( actually a 746 if my math is correct) was shot with a Thomas in LV. I'll be earlier...
  4. J

    Thomas's shoot three 750's at Holbrook's indoor benchrest match today!!

    Congrats PAUL An unbelievable performance Paul! Mike ,great units, I know there's a bunch more X's in my LV setup ( I just have to find them!) To really appreciate just how good those targets looked, a Club member stop by and when she saw one of the targets ask if a paper punch was being used...
  5. J

    Paul Bendix shoots 750-31x in Open class at Northeast Regional!

    Excellent Shooting Paul Congrats, Apparently the long, long trip from Maine was worth it! MarkN:cool:
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    Love my New LV Class Air Rifle!

    First Time's A Charm I've not had the chance to shoot my Thomas at a competition yet but can tell by the little shooting I have managed to do that it will be competitive from the start! Well made, easy to work on, very soft shooting ( sometimes the hole on the card is the only way to tell it...
  7. J

    Results Montrose Air Rifle Club Sunday April 13, Scoreline/BIPM

    Great Shooting Mike, Great Shooting! Looks like all the rest of us are going to see of Paul are his tail lights! lol Now the pressure is on Paul, you have the LV and HV rifles to beat at the Nats. JoeWillie:cool:
  8. J

    Holbrook Results BIPM USA Scoreline 4/5/14

    Paul, Another Great Shot To appreciate what Paul did yesterday, you really had to be there! Paul sets up the range, organizes everything, does the scoring, and oh yeah He shoots and is pulling his gun off the bench before I'm done with my sighters! Congrats on the score Paul and good luck to...
  9. J

    Wild River Air Rifle - USARB Report Indoor February 26, 2014

    Congrats Linda Great shooting with tough competitors. The 750's are elusive enjoy! Ron the TM is very very close good shooting. MarkN:)
  10. J

    Holbrook indoor benchrest sat March,1 at noon $5.00 for 3 World targets.

    -3F Tonight Brian, It's going to be about the same Temp. as January tonight -3* F. I did not have enough feeling in my fingers at the Jan. shoot to know if I was crushing the skirts on the pellets or not! The main problem is the guns seem to get colder as the shoot goes on and...
  11. J

    Electronic Triggers

    Brain, Thank you for showing me/us the wording on the proposal. It seems to me that, which choice gets rid of electronics quickest! Somebody promoted their Agenda, worded it so it could not fail ( an old politicians trick) and I'm sure is now quite delighted with their accomplishment. A...
  12. J

    Electronic Triggers

    Bill, I certainly did not mean to criticize you in any way. I was just pointing out the obvious that "a Camel is a Horse designed by Committee".lol The Very Best to you and all in the Land Of OZ! MarkN;)
  13. J

    Electronic Triggers

    I've owned a Daystate with an Electronic trigger and it certainly was not as competitive as my current guns. I have no problem with Electronic Triggers sans possibly someone using an IPhone to shoot the gun lol. I do not under stand the logic/ fear in banning them as I've not heard of any gun so...
  14. J

    Holbrook Results Feb.1 BIPM and USA Scoreline

    Thanks Paul Paul, Apparently the Hospital stay and layoff from shooting works wonders for the scoring lol. Good job Paul and great shooting Dan. New shooter Chris is coming up fast! That is indeed one of DanB's brass thimbles and hollow probe on my TM1000, it's helped me get down...
  15. J

    Open Grove Schedule for 2014

    If Only 2900 Miles Closer Joe, Looks like another Stellar year for shooting! Good Luck to all at Open Grove wish I could make at least one shoot. ( Be nice to get out of this sub 0 weather also lol) MarkN:cool:
  16. J

    Experimenting with technique. Appreciate some feed-back.

    Bm 500 LV The Stock was designed to shoot from either side. I shoot pinch method indoors using my left hand to load and operate the trigger ( I am right handed). Outdoors I grip the stock and operate the trigger with my right hand to make the small last second...
  17. J

    Holbrook Indoor results Nov 2 .

    Good News Paul Paul, glad to hear your doing OK! Thanks for putting on the shoot, Hopefully next month we'll all get dialed in a bit more. MarkN :cool:
  18. J

    Pinnacle Mtn. 10/26 Results

    Thanks Dave Dave, Thanks again for all your work putting on these matches. Pinnacle Mountain is always interesting to say the least. I think the Indoor Season at Holbrook will raise the bar on scoring with DanB's new HV and LV barrels? Let the fun begin! MarkN
  19. J

    Any news about the SoCal Regional?

    Great Shooting All Any event Joe puts on is 1st class! Brian in regards to the Ezell wind flags. They are super sensitive. I noticed at the Northeast Regionals this year, that the props started spinning on mine 5-10 rpms before any other flags even started to rotate. This equated to at least...
  20. J

    East Coast Regional Air Rifle BR Match Results

    Todd, Rick and Pete Thank You, All three of you gents worked constantly through the weekend to put on a Great Match! Todd you are not only a World Class shooter but a World Class Griller as well. wonderful Eats. Rick all of our prayers were...