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  1. L

    BT bullets in cut rifled barrels

    thanks Hovis. Come on guys How much difference are we looking for? Is it .5 moa, is it more, or less when you adjust jump to jam? How about the same question with primers? What have you seen? thanks Don
  2. L

    BT bullets in cut rifled barrels

    Being kind of new at this I have some stupid questions. I know every gun is different. So if you can give a ball park figure. How much can we expect to gain or lose from one jam or jump to another? Say from the sweet spot then to what it doesn't like? I spoke to Lester Bruno about his 00...
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    Spotting scope?

    Who makes the best spotting scope [I'm kinda cheep] for the $$? Any chance of finding a used one? We will use it mostly for 100 - 200 yds but would be nice if it would work at 300 and maybe 400 yds. I have a 36 T on 1 of my rifles and that seems to work as good as most spotting scopes even the...
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    On Foam Barrel Cleaners:

    The guys around here use Wipeout. But they use the wipeout accelerator first. I don't have a boresight but our smith does and he is the one that turned us on to it. The blue is the copped dissolving. The can says the leftover wipeout prevents rust etc. I have asked about this subject before...
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    Copper Fouling

    What do you guys think of wipeout? thanks
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    Wind flag placement.........

    Our of the 4 flags what 1 do you feel is the most important? Like if you were only to put 1 flag out? thanks in advance.
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    N133 @ Cactus

    Hi GoodGrouper I'm not a clicker so could you tell me how many gr's 52.5 clicks are? And maybe what twist tube w what bullet. thanks
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    Pickin' the fly specs out of the pepper

    Hi being new at this I have a couple of questions. I see a lot of slop in the thread between the die and how it screws into the press. To remove this I put a spacer [ a dime, nickle, washer] on top of the shell holder run the ram to the top of the stroke, screw the die down snugly on the spacer...
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    6ppc & H322

    Bob I see I have "aussie" - learned something already today. Not often I do that. :)
  10. L

    6ppc & H322

    You guys speak of the extreme and aussie stuff. That doesn't help me much being all I have is H322? I tried 27 gr of the H322 and it seemed to work well. I guess I will work up from there. Maybe just jump to 28? thanks
  11. L

    6ppc & H322

    Hi I know most use N133 in 6ppc however for some reason it's not avalible in my area of N. N.Y. state. I have H322. How about some loads using L.B'S 68gr - OO's Boat tail's AND SOME 66 GR Flat bottoms. In a Hart 1-14 tube. thanks