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  1. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    Nice day today. Factory Rimfire 1st Tom Kindig 10 2nd Bob Leier 8 3rd Bob Foote 7 Custom Rimfire 1st Tom Kindig 10-2...
  2. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    Nice day today. Good day for a match. Factory Centerfire 1st Bob Foote 10-2 2nd Russell Jasmund 10-1 3rd Ray Cohoon 10-0 Custom...
  3. K

    Hillsdale Rifle Club

    We had our last Varmint Match of the Year today. Not much of a turn out for the rimfire match. Factory Rimfire 1st Tom Kindig 162 2nd Ray Cohoon 101 Custom Rimfire...
  4. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    We had our last Varmint Match of the year today. Great day. Factory Centerfire 1st Bob Leier 169 4x 2nd Ray Cohoon 165 4x 3rd Russell Jasmund 165 3x...
  5. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    A good day for a match. Factory Rimfire 1st Tom Kindig 161 2nd Ray Cohoon 116 Custom Rimfire 1st Tom Kindig 147 2nd Ray Cohoon...
  6. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    Very hot, slight breeze ,good day for a match/ Factory Centerfire 1st Ray Cohoon 183 5x 2nd Tom Kindig 174 7x 3rd Bob Leier 170 7x...
  7. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    Had a good day for an Egg Shoot. Factory Class 22 Cal at 50 yds 1st Gary Niederhauser 10-4-3 2nd Bob Leier 10-4-3 3rd Bob Foote 10-3-4...
  8. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    On Wed. July 7th we had a rimfire Egg Shoot. We were rained out and only did half of the match. 22 Rimfire at 50 yards 1st Gary Niederhauser 10-4-3-4-4 2nd Bob Leier 10-4-3-4-3...
  9. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    Had a good shoot this Father's Day. Hot !!!! Factory Centerfire Egg Shoot 1st Tom Kindig 10-2 2nd Russell Jasmund 10-1 3rd Bob Leier 7 Custom Centerfire...
  10. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    We had a hot and windy day for a match. But,we still had fun !!! Varmint Match Factory Rimfire 1st Tom Kindig 137 2nd Bob Leier...
  11. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    We had a hot and breezy day for a match. But we still had fun !! Varmint Match Factory Class Centerfire 1st Bill Daunhauer 178 2nd Russell Jasmund 170...
  12. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    We had a good day for a match and a lot of competition. Rimfire Egg Shoot Factory 22 cal at 50 yds 1st Mark Caldwell 10-3-4 2nd Gary Niederhauser 10-3-4...
  13. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    A good day for an Egg Shoot. 80's and a light breeze. Factory Rimfire 1st Tom Kindig 9 2nd Bob Leier 8 3rd Matt Mceachran 7 Custom Rimfire...
  14. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    We had a good day for an Egg shoot. 80's and a light breeze. Factory Centerfire 1st Bill Daunhauer 10 2nd Tom Kindig 9 3rd Jim McCellan 8...
  15. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    There are not any shooters in our club that shoot ARA. No Match Directors to handle that. All our directors handle at least 2 matches already. However, ABRA matches are meant to replace ARA. Check out and click on events and read the rules. We get guys from southern Ohio...
  16. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    We had an Egg Shoot Sunday. Factory Rimfire 1st Bob Leier 10 2nd Tom Kindig 7 3rd Charlie Sholl 4 Custom Rimfire 1st Matt Mceachran 6...
  17. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    we had an Egg Shoot Sunday. Factory Centerfire 1st Charlie Sholl 10-1-1 2nd Russell Jasmund 10-1-0 3rd Bob Leier 9 Custom Centerfire 1st Jim...
  18. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    Temp in the 50's and rain. Factory Rimfire 1st Bob 130 2nd Roy 100 3rd Ray 90 Custom Rimfire 1st Ray 126 2nd Bob 110 3rd Roy...
  19. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    Temp in the 50's and rain. Centerfire Factory Class 1st Russell 162 2nd Ray 153 3rd Roy 115 Centerfire Custom Class...
  20. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    We had our first of the year Rimfire Egg Match Wednesday . Temp in the 70's and no wind. Factory 22's at 50 yds Mike 10-4 Rex 10-2 Roy 10-1 17...