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    East West Shootout in ST Louis

    Greg King won, Larry Costa was 2nd. That’s all I remember.
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    Jeff Summers gets into the HOF

    Great shooter, Even a better guy.
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    Hawkeye Scope steady rest

    Thanks Chet. Glad you are doing well!!
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    I’ve gotten to the point I don’t like to post but Tim’s lure hooked me! Scotch is great for people that like their whiskey from barrels that have already been used up giving their flavors to Bourbon.?
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    -Barrel Saver-Bore Guide

    Dennis, got my bore guide. Looks great, fits perfect. I like the patch box. Didn’t have that on my first one. Mark
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    single most important verdict this century

    For those that may not know, and maybe better understand Mr. Chism’s perspective, he is retired DEA.
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    2-Gun Results from Kansas City

    Congrats Eddie. You should be proud. When the conditions toughened up, you kicked butt!
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    2021 nbrsa group nationals at holton

    HV 200 Scarborough HV Grand Scarborough 3 Gun Rossette
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    Kip Jones wins Michigan State Championship

    Congrats Skip! Great to Stevie Turner rejoin the sport with success!
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    Recommend shooting glasses

    Can you pls recommend some shooting glasses that don’t exhibit parallax problems. Thanks, Mark
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    Northern CO Benchrest results for Sat

    Congrats Sam! Thanks for posting Richard.
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    Jim, How many are you looking for? Mark
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    New World Record

    Congratulations Dave!!!!
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    2020 NBRSA Nats Day 1-Larry Costa wins UL100

    Hate that for you Steve. I know it doesn’t make you feel better, but you had great agg in tough conditions. Mark
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    Hot Railgun in Tx.

    Dr. Tim, maybe it’s because you kissed (tongue?) Tom Libby at the Nationals in KC some years back. I know it resulted in a few months of therapy for me! Mark
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    Glenn, Knowing a little bit about your professional career, I’m guessing you do have a little bit of sodium pentothal laying around. Mark
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    anyone get their $1200 today ? 4/15/2020

    I see Coot’s hasn’t responded. I’m extremely confident he won’t get a check!
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    The fifth shot

    Ouch! Feel for you Glen. Looks like a Luther group. You had your rifle humming tho.