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  1. R

    Ray Price has left the range

    It saddens me to say that I just received a call from Ray's daughter telling me that Ray passed on Sunday morning. Ray truly enjoyed shooting IR 50/50 and ARA matches. I have scored and seen my fair share of targets over the years and Ray shot the best one I ever laid my eyes on. A 250 24X...
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    Bill Myers

    Wishing a speedy recovery Bill. You and Inez are in my prayers .. Bob
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    Paul Wilmoth made it GOLD!

    Congratulations Paul!!!! You have worked hard at it for many years and no one deserves it more .. Bob
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    Congrats to Ken Henderson

    Congratulations Buddy!!! Good shooting and good to see you make the gold!
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    Tim, I have not been able to get to post until now, computer problems I suppose, but tell Gary hi for me and my prayers are with him. I pray for a speedy recovery and sure hope to see you both in June and July. Bob
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    Mr. Ray Price (The Old Fossil)

    Just wanted to wish my great friend a HAPPY 81st birthday!!! He says his old eyes can't see through that 6 power scope, but that excuse is almost as old as Ray. :rolleyes: And if that isn't bad enough, last year he shot the PRETTIEST IR 50/50 target I have ever seen in competition. It scored a...
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    To my dear friend!!Chet Amick !!

    I will sorely miss Chet. Even as I write this, I want to pick up the phone and call Chet as we talk on just about a daily basis. Chet came to my home 5 maybe 6 years ago and he had never built a .22 match rifle at that time. He had built many centerfire rifles, but nothing in rimfire to my...