Search results

  1. 1

    Lapua Midas+ for sale

    Lapua It sold in about 6 hours. I guess it was a fair price.
  2. 1

    Lapua Midas+ for sale

    Lapua price Thanks for the input on my Lapua. I'm going to put it on classifieds for $11 shipped.
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    Lapua Midas+ for sale

    I have 7 bricks of Lapua Midas+ I was going to put in the classifieds, but would like others opinion on a fair price to list it for. I purchased it in 2010 for $14 box. Also have 2 bricks of X-act that would like opinion on. I know the ammo market is crazy now, but I just want opinion on a fair...
  4. 1

    Evaluationg the New Turbo Actions

    Bill...what clip are they using in the new Turbo sporter?
  5. 1

    Congrats Mel Eck!!!

    See Mel...I was right all along. You are a "Hot Shot." Congratulations on a great year. Gene
  6. 1

    Most Accurate American Made .22 RF ....????

    I think 580's are better shooters. Action is stiffer as it doesn't have the cut out for the magazine. They are hard to find though.
  7. 1

    Most Accurate American Made .22 RF ....????

    The rules say any action can be used. Single shots are fine as I use a 580 Remington which is single shot. The problem with the old Remingtons and Winchesters is its hard to get the trigger down for effective target shooting. The 580 series of Remingtons you can drill and tap the trigger to make...
  8. 1

    Most Accurate American Made .22 RF ....????

    We also have people that start with the Barnyard and CMP and then after finding they really like this type of shooting they then progress into IR and RBA. This is what happened in my case. I tryed CMP late in the season and the next year I had a new 10.5# and a used sporter for IR and RBA. I...
  9. 1

    Most Accurate American Made .22 RF ....????

    Barnyard and CMP benchrest was invented by Steve Hollock at the Pontiac range. He is now deceased. They wanted to introduce benchrest to the average shooter that didn't want to spend the money for the expensive equipment required for IR RBA and ARA. I heard Steve once say that Barnyard and CMP...
  10. 1

    IR 50/50 Nationals equip. list?

    Will the Nationals equipment list be posted? I hope we can get a list as I want to see what all the "Hot Shots" were using for the tournament.
  11. 1

    Let's Hold a National Match

    I agree Doug. I sent Bill an email last night saying what a great job he did with the match. I will say it again, you did a super job Bill.
  12. 1

    National Sporter Winner

    Mel, next year I will have my wife make a triple batch of cookies, 1 batch for you, 1 for Alan Hall and the 3rd for the rest of us. I really enjoyed the Nationals and meeting so many great people. Living in the Midwest I read about all of you guy's out there, but now I can put a face with the...
  13. 1

    National Sporter Winner

    Tim, you are 1st class on the bench and off the bench. Thanks for all the helpful advise you gave me. It sure makes a 11 hour drive worth while when you can be shooting and learning from the top guy's in the country. I'm already looking forward to next year.
  14. 1

    Cut Rifle 6 Grooves

    Jim, Be sure to keep us updated on the new 6 groove. The boy's at Rock Creek think it has a lot of potential. You seem to be off to a great start with unseasoned barrels.
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    I did check futher down and I didn't see anything. What am I missing?
  16. 1


    Is there a reason we are not getting results on IR50/50 posted?
  17. 1

    Hey Wilbur!

    Last match on Chief City Shooters Club of 9/5 missing. It would be great to know how the SOTY came out.
  18. 1

    Ara ne state tournament 9-19-10

    Bircher told me that at the beginning of the season he started eating Wheaties for breakfast. "Wheaties breakfast for champions."
  19. 1

    Hey Wilbur!

  20. 1

    9 250's at Willow River Sunday

    I think Doug Bell has the potential of becoming an outstanding shooter up there if he would get some decent ammo.