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  1. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    We had a good day for a match today. No wind and just a little downpour!!! Tough competition though!! Factory Centerfire 1st Russell Jasmund 10-3 2nd Ron Goodger 10-2 3rd Ray Cohoon...
  2. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    We had a good day for a match today.No wind,some rain.But we shot eggs through the rain drops and we got eggs!!! Tough competition though. Factory Rimfire 1st Bob Leier 10 2nd Mitch Lige 10...
  3. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    Next Sunday 5/21 is our 2nd Egg Shoot of the season. Don't miss this fun shoot!!! Tom
  4. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    Next Sunday 5/21 is our 2nd Egg Shoot of the season.Don't miss this fun shoot. See you there!!! Tom
  5. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    We had a bad day for a match today.50's and rain. Factory Centerfire 1st Ray Cahoon 122 2nd Bob Taylor 116 3rd Bob Leier 0 Custom Centerfire 1st Bob...
  6. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    Not a good day today for a match.50's and rain. Factory Rimfire 1st Bob Leier 157 2nd Bob Taylor 125 Custom Rimfire 1st Bob Taylor 161 2nd Bob Leier 151 We will...
  7. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    We had a good day for our first Egg Shoot of the season.60's and a light breeze. Factory Centerfire 1st Ray Cohoon 10-4 2nd Ron Goodger 10-2 3rd Russell Jasmund 10-1...
  8. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    We had our first Egg Shoot of the season today.Beautiful day,60's,not much breeze. Factory Rimfire 1st Bob Leier 9-2 2nd Bob Taylor 9-1 3rd Mitch Lige 8...
  9. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    On Sunday 4/23/17 we will shoot our first Egg Shoot of the season.About time!!! We have been waiting!! This year we are going to try shooting Centerfire first. See you there, Tom
  10. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    On Sunday 4/23/17 we will have our first Egg Shoot of the season.Here we go with a new season!!! We are going to change our format a little and shoot the Centerfire first and see how that works. See you there , Tom
  11. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    Today was a great day for a Match.Calm,mid 70's.Wow!!! Factory Centerfire 1st Ron Goodger 10-2 2nd Russell Jasmund 10-0 3rd Bob Taylor 8...
  12. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    A great day for a match today.Calm,mid 70's.I'll take it!!! Factory Rimfire 1st Bob Taylor 10-3 2nd Mitch Lige 10-1-2 3rd Bob Leier !0-1-1 Custom Rimfire 1st...
  13. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    We had a great day for a match today! Cool,sunny and a slight breeze!! Factory Centerfire 1st Bob Taylor 165 2nd Ron Goodger 143 3rd Ken Steinbrecher 141 Custom...
  14. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    We had a great day for our last Varmint Match this year. Sunny,cool,and a slight breeze. Factory Rimfire 1st Tom Kindig 157 2nd Bob Taylor 141 3rd Bob Leier 132 Custom...
  15. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    Next Sunday 9/11/16 is our last Varmint Match of the season!!! I hope to see you there!!! Tom
  16. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    Next Sunday 9/11/16 is our last Varmint Match of the season. I hope to see you there!! Tom
  17. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    We had a good day for a match today. Partly cloudy and temp's in the 80's. Factory Centerfire 1st Ron Goodger 137 2nd Scott Underwood 132 3rd Bob Taylor 127...
  18. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    A great day for a match.Partly cloudy and temp's in the low 80's. Factory Rimfire 1st Bob Leier 148 2nd Mitch Lige 138 3rd Tom Kindig 116 Custom Rimfire...
  19. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    A great day for a match.Cool and a light breeze.We had some good competition today.We shoot paint balls in all classes!! Factory Centerfire 1st Ron Goodger 8-1 2nd Bob Taylor 8-0 3rd Russell...
  20. K

    Hillsdale rifle club

    A great day for a match. Cool and a light breeze.We had some good competition today!!Had to shoot paint balls in all classes. Factory Rimfire 1st Mitch Lige 10-2-2 2nd Bob Leier 10-2-0 3rd...