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  1. S

    A Question For The Experts...

    I apologize for pulling this thread off topic. The main reason I did it was because of your reputation as a shooter, and because you were using the same gun I just bought. Thank you for all of the replies, and I will butt out now. Scrench
  2. S

    Scoring Homologation

    One problem though. If .177 and .22 are shooting together, then ALL of the .177 shooters shots need to be measured as .22 to be equal and fair. That's just not doable in a match.
  3. S

    Scoring Homologation

    AZ, You are right. I didn't consider that .177 and .22 shooting at the same time would give the advantage to the .22 if scoring only by pellet size. Using a .22 for .177, .20, and .22 will make things fair. In addition, you probably just added a few points and X's to targets I've already...
  4. S

    A Question For The Experts...

    Also, scanning past threads I see that a lot of top competitors were using WD-40 to clean their barrels. Still the case, or has something such as Boomer suggested like Otis 085 CLP become a favorite? Thank You.
  5. S

    Barrel Indexing

    I'm resurrecting this old post because I'm wondering if my RAW TM1000 falls into the category of "guns that don't need indexing", like a Thomas, or if I should at least test it. If so, what is the easiest way to test it? I don't believe this gun has a rotating transfer port so the barrel...
  6. S

    Redesigned JSB Monster?

    Thanks KimZ, Barrel is rifled with 12 grooves.
  7. S

    Scoring Homologation

    Well we just started shooting BR at my club, and I looked at all the gadgets for measuring holes and decided that what we are going to use is another pellet shot from the same gun. It's unfortunate that (to my knowledge) BR targets aren't available in the same cross-grain paper (Kruger and...
  8. S

    A Question For The Experts...

    Mirage? As in, my scope?
  9. S

    Redesigned JSB Monster?

    I'm currently using AA Diabolo Field 10.3 grain pellets in my .177 RAW TM 1000 S/N 0035 for HV. I don't know which barrel I have, but want to test JSB Monster's, although I see they come in the original design and a new "redesigned", which look considerably different. Has anyone performed any...
  10. S

    A Question For The Experts...

    Thank you all for giving me some of your hard-earned advice, and I apologize for distracting the thread from AZ's original question. But if I could indulge just one more moment. I am new to the BR game, am just now getting it started in our club, and just bought the same gun, used, a RAW...
  11. S

    A Question For The Experts...

    AZ, What pellets do you use and how do you prepare them?