Search results

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    Results from FISS

    Can anybody put the overall listings from all distances on the internet? Not only the first 20, but all the competitors. Hope someone can..:D trasch
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    Thanks to the Kelblys!!

    Results Hopefully anybody can put the FULL list of all the competitors of the FISS on one of these websites? Hope to see something, trasch
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    European Championship Results

    Congratulations Igor Zhukov Congratulations with your good result: European Champion BR !!!!! Kind regards, ET
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    European Championship Results

    200 meter results??
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    6PPC Reamer for Gentner's Mojos

    I also shoot with Don's Mojo's and Blackbirds. The reamer used for my chamber was a Pacific though.... But what should be the perfect one? A Henriksen probably????? ET
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    European Championship Results

    Congratulations Very good shooting "Pigman" keep on going!! Also congratulations to Mr. Troin, ofcourse. ET;)
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    300 yards Target

    Abintx, Thanks for your thoughts but I want an original 300 yards target. So we can practice overhere at the real 300 yards/meters. Paul
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    300 yards Target

    No, problem Larry, can you send me one?
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    300 yards Target

    Thankx Abintx, I found 1 which I can use, but I mean a original BR-300 Target format. Thankx for your support....:D:) Paul
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    300 yards Target

    Hi, Does anybody have a PDF, Word or other format with a download from a 300 yards Target? Which can be printed out? Paul;)
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    Hi guys, Looking for some instructions how to add another avatar? Paul