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  1. M

    F-class scope choice?

    Interesting you should say that. I am inclined to agree; checking the rifle found no fault and same with the ammo. I just came off a fourth-placed score in the individual and a good 900-yards with a solid first 10 shots at 1000 yards, so I really don't think that 4 MOA elevation spread was me...
  2. M

    F-Class and "Blow Off" rounds

    I've been out for a bit (!) hence the late reply to this thread, but in the UK we tend to have a minute or so blow-off period at the first distance of the day. My rifle takes a few rounds to settle down with a clean bore, so they are important, but must admit the 'sneaky sighter' does come in...
  3. M

    F-class scope choice?

    I know I'm resurrecting my very old thread... But! I read it back with interest, specifically the last two posts about scope issues... That 8-32 Nightforce looks distinctly suspicious at the moment. Was shooting for GB in the recent Europeans Team Champs, cost us a medal I think. All good up...
  4. M

    F-class scope choice?

    March scopes have mostly good things said, but they are very pricey!
  5. M

    F-class scope choice?

    To close this out, I sold a bunch of stuff and got the Nightforce NXS 8-32x56 with NP2-DD. very good, though I find 65 MOA adjustment a bit small even with a 20 MOA base - I can put another 20 in before coming near bottoming out on 100 yard zero. It has 1/8 MOA clicks, time will tell on their...
  6. M

    F-class scope choice?

    I have a 20 moa base on my Rifle, am I likely to have enough elevation adjustment with the 12-42? Always something which has concerned me. Also what is the BR NF like next to the NXS? Odd though it is, not come across the BR model to look through!
  7. M

    F-class scope choice?

    Scopes generally I know have been done to death, but... For 1000 yard f/tr - I am considering a Leupold 8.5-25x50 with fine duplex, or a Nightforce 8-32 with NP2-DD. not sure if NF or NXS as yet. In UK NIghtforce is £600+ more than Leupold if comparing NXS with the VX-3. Currently have 6.5-20...
  8. M

    Sako TRG-22 - worth a look?

    Thanks guys. Stuart @ Osprey is a bit far for me, but I have ordered a 223 F/TR, which should be in at the weekend. 223 at 1K sounds like a challenge but the numbers look promising and folk have said it works pretty well - time will tell!
  9. M

    600 yards with 20" barrel

    I used to shoot a Remington 700 SPS Tactical at 600 yards with good results. I was using initially 69gr bullets but then found the Hornady 75gr BTHP (a-max would stabilise), which worked a charm. You should certainly be able to get good results from your rig, so I wouldn't sell it just yet!
  10. M

    Sako TRG-22 - worth a look?

    Hi All I have a Tikka T3 Varmint right now which I use to shoot F/TR informally at my local club. Because of the evil GMK, it only has a 20" barrel as that is all they import now. Accuracy from it is very good, but velocity is lacking, at least with a load anywhere near accurate. It's great to...
  11. M

    Savage 12F - Reports?

    So it would seem! I am looking into getting a 12 F/TR, but my ever-reliable gunshop refuses to sell me one, because of the grief they've had. Closest they can do is a Sako TRG-22, which I may go with, never really hear of these issues with a Sako!
  12. M

    Help with F/TR Rifle

    Hi there, I am in the UK, looking to shoot some F/TR potentially. We are a bit devoid of the longer range disciplines here - all I can find is F-class or iron sight stuff. Don't like irons which leaves F-class. I was about to buy a Savage F/TR for this purpose, but... it got sold to someone...