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  1. Jim Andress

    November Match Info - River Bend GA

    Even though the 2008 season is winding down, there are a few more matches. River Bend Gun Club in Dawsonville, Georgia (north of Atlanta) is hosting an NBRSA registered match on November 8 & 9. We will be shooting LV and HV classes at both 100 and 200 yards. Facilities include 20 covered...
  2. Jim Andress

    SE Region - Georgia - River Bend Match

    Even though the 2008 season is winding down, there are a few more matches. River Bend Gun Club in Dawsonville, Georgia (north of Atlanta) is hosting an NBRSA registered match on November 8 & 9. We will be shooting LV and HV classes at both 100 and 200 yards. Facilities include 20 covered...
  3. Jim Andress

    NBRSA SE Region Director

    At Wilbur's request, I have been acting as SE Region director on his behalf, and will serve out remainder of his current term (thru October). I have learned that George Waldrep is seeking the post at that time, and would certainly endorse George (he's a pretty good fellow:p) but will also...