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  1. H

    Dennis Tinkham Update ? ? ?

    update I talk to Dennis about every other day. He is in a holding pattern right now until the swelling goes down and the pain subsides enough for the surgeons to go in and make a full evaluation the the retina and the eyeball. He thinks that should be appx. 6-8 weeks. I will tell him to look...
  2. H

    Dennis Tinkham Update

    I just got off the phone with Dennis. He is in alot of pain and poor spirits. The surgery that was to take appx. 45mins. to one hour ended up taking over 6 hours. The doctors had to remove his cornea to get access to the damage in his right eye. There was alot more damage than they thought...
  3. H

    Prayers Needed for Dennis Tinkem Tonight!

    Dennis got the approval of his doctor in Arkansas to fly in an airplane. He made arrangements to meet with a trusted eye surgeon in New York city. He arrived last night at 730 pm and has an appointment today at 100 pm. I will keep everyone filled in on the details as soon as I know them. Harley...
  4. H

    Prayers Needed for Dennis Tinkem Tonight!

    Prayers for Dennis I just got off the phone with Dennis. He had surgery last night to remove a piece of metal from behind his eye but the doctors could not locate it and he is going back into surgery this morning to have the metal removed. He cannot see out of his right eye and the Eye Surgeon...
  5. H

    Harley Baker Cleans House

    Action on Sporter Bat "B" 2-lug
  6. H

    Harley Baker Cleans House

    Thank You Thank you to everyone for your nice comments and thoughts. To Pat is my equipment list for my Sporter Rifle only 1) Kreiger 1/14 barrel 2) Bart's Boattail Bullets (WOW) 3) N133 powder 53.0 clicks on my Neil Jones or 29.1grains Note: From Wednesday morning of 100Yd Sporter...
  7. H

    IBS match schedule

    Has the match schedule on the IBS website been finalized and is the one on the site the correct one?