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  1. J

    IBS Meeting & Voting

    Can I vote if I don't attend the meeting - maybe by proxie ? :eek:
  2. J

    Fairfax Winter league 2-gun championships

    David, Are you shooting a VH or H ... 30 X 47 or something else ? Jerry :D
  3. J

    Fairfax Winter league 2-gun championships

    Count me in for the LT and HV class two gun? :D
  4. J

    What Is a "Factory" Rifle

    What about using a negitive handy cap based on cost of the rifle. Cost < = 650.00 No points deducted. Cost > 650 but < 800 Deduct 2 point from final score Cost > 800 Deduct 4 points from final Score. Cost must be stated at sign in and agreed on by the M.D. Jerry:eek:
  5. J

    VA State Championships

    Who will register for the shoot on Friday afternoon ? :D
  6. J


    Have you tested you tuner at 100 and 200 yds on your 30 PPC ?
  7. J

    Gene's Tuner @ 200 yd

    I will re-shoot and re-verify my results for ya but I shot those groups one after the other with flags and after cooling of the barrel. First I shot at 100 yds to get initial tune - 5 - 5 shot groups just like a match. Then I shot at 200 yds thinking it would be just wonderful - it wasn't -...
  8. J

    Gene's Tuner @ 200 yd

    Shot my 30 BR this Sat @ 100 and 200 yd's - what I saw was that I needed a different tune at 200 to make 3/4 inch 5 shot round holes. It this normal or do I need to change something? Jerry :confused:
  9. J

    Gene Beggs

    Don, I know it was amazing that it came in that quick - only 4 five shot groups. I just wanted to make sure that I had done everything right on the setup. I was just guessing on how to put it on. After putting it on and shooting it with the tuner in more positions - it does act just like...
  10. J

    Gene Beggs

    I should have told everyone that this is a 30BR HV rifle. After putting on the tunner I didn't shoot any groups with it off. Jerry
  11. J

    Gene Beggs

    I threaded the barrel and put your tuner on and locked the rings in the mid point on the threads. Shot 1 5 shot group and had 1/2 in vertical. Turned the rings to 9 o’clock position and had 1/2 in dia from 11 to 5. Turned the rings to 6 o’clock position and had 1/2 in dia in from 2 to 7...
  12. J

    Robertson's Composite's New Stock (Pictures)

    That looks like good - where to buy one and how much. The forearm is like a scoville JR
  13. J

    Two gun LT and HV Score Match

    All, I think we could do a one day two gun match ie... LV 10.5 lb - any Cal - 100 yard 7 min time - 5 target no warm up match and then a HV 13.5 lb any Cal 100 yard 7 min 5 target no warm up match Combine both scores for the two gun champion. Kick in a little prize money at signup...
  14. J

    Two gun LT and HV Score Match

    Bill, I am trying to set this up at the Fair Fax Rod and Gun Club in the Winter match series. Jerry
  15. J

    Two gun LT and HV Score Match

    Would there be any intrest in a VFS match that you shoot a LT 10.5 gun and heavy 13.5 gun for a range two gun winner ? :D Thanks Jerry