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  1. 1

    Neck turning difficulty

    If I do this I'm afraid the arbor would be loose on 80%% of the neck and then a slight interference fit over the last 20%. (Those percentages are guesses on my part)
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    Neck turning difficulty

    Has anyone tried an inside reamer on the 220 Russian case that has had the neck expanded? If I were to do this I would have to get a case holder for the 220 Russian case, i think.
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    Neck turning difficulty

    My problem is getting the turning arbor in far enough to get the cutter into the brass.
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    Neck turning difficulty

    Oh, man, I could use that kind of donut!
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    Neck turning difficulty

    I'm having a little trouble when I turn the necks on some Lapua 220 Russian brass which has had the neck expanded up to 6mm. The turning Arbor starts into the neck with a slight amount of interferance, (which is good), but when the Arbor gets in far enough to be at the neck/shoulder junction it...
  6. 1

    For 6PPC how much under loaded neck diameter is neck bushing

    Thank you for sharing what you found works best for you. --- Todd
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    For 6PPC how much under loaded neck diameter is neck bushing

    You bring up something else I was wondering about. If I use more, (or less), neck tension, do I need to adjust my load with powder charge weight or bullet seating depth to make it work?
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    For 6PPC how much under loaded neck diameter is neck bushing

    Does a little more mean 3 or 4 thou? Or more?
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    For 6PPC how much under loaded neck diameter is neck bushing

    The general "rule of thumb" when choosing a neck bushing diameter is to subtract 0.002" to 0.003" off of the neck diameter on a loaded round. Does this hold true for the 6mm PPC cartridge?
  10. 1

    New Brass

    New brass uses some of the energy of that first shot to expand the case to fill the chamber. This will basically result in the bullet velocity being lower than the next time you load the case with the same recipe. You can find a load that works well with the new brass. But then you will...
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    Little guy bullet makers

    Wowzers!! Looks like you're all set for a while.
  12. 1

    Bench set up or technique problem?

    Thanks for all the excellent tips! The trigger is a Bix&Andy - probably about 1 once. My set up is a SEB NIO front rest with original bag and moderate fill. I bought it used so I don't know what the fill material is. The rear bag is an Edgewood original that I just got. I may not have had...
  13. 1

    Which dies to use for short range BR in 6PPC?

    Thanks for all the good info!
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    Bench set up or technique problem?

    I'm very new to benchrest shooting and noticed something that doesn't seem right but I don't know how to fix it. After I align front rest and rear bag with the target I place the rifle in the bags and moderately pound the rear of the stock into the rear bag. Then I get behind the rifle and...
  15. 1

    MechForce barrel vice

    Regarding posting photos ..... I think I found a button, if you scroll down a ways, that says "manage attachments" or something like that.
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    MechForce barrel vice

    Thanks for the advice.
  17. 1

    Preferred Reamer?

    Is this a big secret so nobody wants to comment?
  18. 1

    MechForce barrel vice

    I ended up buying a PMA Tool Barrel Vice. Haven't used it yet but it feels heavy duty. What do you guys use between the barrel and vice jaws?
  19. 1

    Need a few opinions on BR equipment

    I'm interested to read about these things too.