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  1. P

    What it takes to win... outside gear

    Concentration and focus, two different beasts... You can concentrate and not focus but not the other way around. So, how to concentrate and disconnect from exterior noise? Do you mean you have an interior noise? Yes, of course, and it's this interior noise that we should take care, because...
  2. P

    What it takes to win... outside gear

    Establishing goals. How do you do it? How to realize that's a fair goal or not just a dream... and, can we dream to have that goal? Comparing to economics, micro goals and macro goals?
  3. P


    They don't. They test as you have sent the rifle.
  4. P

    What it takes to win... outside gear

    Thanks for the input Joe. Passion! Passion is a major key driver, indeed. But if we don't have it? Should we wait for it to appear? Should we do something so we can develop it? No, at least in my perspective, passion is like talent, either we have it or not. So, without passion, better to find...
  5. P

    What it takes to win... outside gear

    Very wise words. Practicing is one thing, testing is another thing, putting bullets down the range is another one... Always do serious practicing with the match gear, including ammo. Hence the plan I have talked before. Plan your training, your testing, your goals. Be honest with yourself...
  6. P

    Ir 50/50 (275)

    Until today, I have just saw a single 250 0x, made during the last Iberian Cup in Spain. And I can still feel the pain looking at that winning target comparative to mine. This is one feeling that could lead to change the scoring system, and, the other one, is the high number of 250s that start...
  7. P

    Ir 50/50 (275)

    Well, let's compare apples to apples, meaning comparing the best possible group size, and not one bad and one good. Taking your exemple being the 249 24x one hole in the center and one hole barely touching the 10, will, again, be worst comparative to the best possible 250 0x group, which will be...
  8. P

    Ir 50/50 (275)

    Apologise to enter the discussion, being from the other side of the pond... Just one point to consider. People tend to believe a 249 24x is more accurate than a 250 0x. In fact it isn't. Why? Easy task. Pull the available software and join all impacts in just one group and see which one is...
  9. P


    But a bad position tuner can make good ammo look bad... And that's a two sword blade... As we don't shoot for groups, why shooting groups for tuning? Well, it's fast and easier to evaluate. However, when I found an ammo that does 3~4 good groups of 3~5 shots, I do lines. Then I draw an imaginary...
  10. P

    What it takes to win... outside gear

    And a good input... I do prefer leaning forward, anatomic and physiologic reasons, because it's the most relaxing one. Being a relaxed position, uses less muscle tone to be maintained. Muscle tone is responsible for strain after a while and in extreme, tremor. Bear in mind also, when more than...
  11. P

    What it takes to win... outside gear

    A more down to earth thing... Sitting technique... Leaning forward? Leaning backward? Staying upright?
  12. P

    Noodles and J&J Slides

    I learned one of the hardest thing is knowing when you outshoot your gear. Only then, you have to change things. Right, for the person who only shoots. But, for the others like you, trying, is a big part of the game. The one thing I would like to have your insight, is, generally, the first...
  13. P

    Noodles and J&J Slides

    Yes, I did. I did use, and most say with mix success, the J&J. It's a nice piece of gear, and apart from putting more weight at the crown area, it could be thought having a couple more benefits. Saying, protecting the bullet from the wind at the very beginning flight path, and, to a certain...
  14. P

    What it takes to win... outside gear

    A very nice book, along with a couple others about sport mental aspects. All should be in your bookshelf, but not collecting dust... Coming from other non shooting sports (judo and Karting), and then embracing the shooting ones (archery, ISSF and later on benchrest), I do see the later is...
  15. P

    What it takes to win... outside gear

    Key success factor, being honest with yourself. I'm not going any further, at least for now, but do ask yourself... when was the last time?
  16. P

    What it takes to win... outside gear

    Two different aspects you refer, and yes, we all have (and still are) been there. Pum, pum, pum, all Xs, ok, let's start counting... pum... nine! Argh... Have you understood the bias you introduced? On the sighter you are training, experimenting, and rejoicing of what you're doing. Then, let's...
  17. P

    What it takes to win... outside gear

    Thanks Tim. Fantastic point. Forgetting... If I might explain with different words, the next shot it's the only that matters. You can do nothing after you pulled the trigger (this should also be approached, because, in fact, there's a lot of discussion if we should pull consciously the...
  18. P

    What it takes to win... outside gear

    Another good food for thought... Have you ever looked closely to a fork? It's a very dangerous weapon. How many times did you hurt your lips with it during meals? Not seldom, I hope... Now, full adults, eating with a fork is so easy, that we even don't think about it. Take a breath, and think...
  19. P

    What it takes to win... outside gear

    If you practice a lot of sports, what is common to all? YOU. So it is your mentality that's always present. Look, I said present, not working... That's a huge difference. Learning to focus on what you are doing, and most importantly, on what you are going to do (visualisation) is key. Your brain...
  20. P

    What it takes to win... outside gear

    Some time ago, replying to Tony Harper, I explored a little about the mental shooting side. Tony prompt me to continue that route, a route seldom in focus on these discussions. I have to confess that it frighten me, because english is not my mother language, I'm from Europe and not necessarily...