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  1. P

    What tuner is this?

    A cut short Lowey?
  2. P


    Very nice post! People don't realize that a perfect rifle doesn't exist... neither perfect ammo. And even if they could be found, you have to shoot it at the end of the day. So better be a good shooter, than a so-so one :cool: My experience and learning tough me a couple of things: 1. Bad ammo...
  3. P


    We are going round and round and seems no one has a definitive, if there's any, answer/procedure to this matter. I'm not belonging to any party, either the non moving or the moving tuner ones... I read all comments/opinions with interested and keep to me what I think it's correct. Art is not...
  4. P

    Front tube on a rimfire tuner?

    Like Tony said, experience varies. I think they do just two things, being the 1st much more pronounced than the 2nd... 1st - more weight 2nd - some wind protection I have used one with great success when I shot RWS R50. In fact, it was the only way I get to tune my rifle to those bullets. When...
  5. P

    Custom Benchrest stock - Tony Boyer

    Tony, You are welcome. I do believe the lower stock profile is another piece in the big puzzle. The better the pieces are made, the fancier the puzzle... I have never shot a one piece rest, but looking at them, and on the rubber band pulling down the stock, I do think it won't make much...
  6. P

    Custom Benchrest stock - Tony Boyer

    Tony, Indeed a have a lot of experience with those stocks, but I tend to shoot the lowest possible profile. Pippin and others cannot compete against, at least for my shooting style, with the lower profile ones. As much as I like the Pippin profile they all have been replaced by our (Ricardo and...
  7. P

    Custom Benchrest stock - Tony Boyer

    Some years ago I got a carbon over balsa laminated stock. Was made by Enda, an Irish shooter. Very low weight, impressively stiff, low profile, parallel planes, and tracked quite well. Sold the action, but not the stock, because it belongs to my shooting milestones...
  8. P

    Rimfire Ammo

    Chronographing .22lr ammo is a waist of time, like sorting them by weight Velocities on the box, give you just one indication... better for wind or no wind, if, and that's a big if, they shoot well on your rifle. And even then, it depends, because that's not a golden rule. The only way to...
  9. P

    Rimfire Ammo

    Indeed. Never found reliable those box numbers. In fact I din't care when I shot Eley. It really depends on barrel. However, when I did check velocity, I quickly found that the same ammo was more or less consistent, depending of the rifle. So, try those lots on a fellow's rifle and see if they...
  10. P

    Turning down diameter of an already lapped barrel

    Around here, we do a lot of light stocks to accommodate LV class. If the barrelled action is shooting great, don't touch it. Go for a lighter stock, like Tony said. We, Ricardo (stock maker) and me, have designed a line of stocks that can weight as less as 600g, to whatever you want. Just...
  11. P

    Jeff Patterson's J-PAT SPEC Rifles

    Simple question... It's clear a longer bolt arm on the V3 Turbos. Is this due to a more lever to overcome the three lugs, or is it just design?
  12. P

    What it takes to win... outside gear

    Very interesting points, and thanks for sharing. Some years ago I learned from a well seasoned champion... "you are loosing too many 10s on sighters". It took me some time to really understood the sentence verdict. Like said before, it's rare, to say the least, a same condition more than 2~3...
  13. P

    What it takes to win... outside gear

    Well, looks like target panic is not an issue. Good! Let's go further... How do you mentally approach a card? How do you shoot a card? Starting on top, or from below? Rows vs columns? When do you know it's time to start? Do you "suffer" more starting or ending? Do you take a longer breath at...
  14. P

    What it takes to win... outside gear

    Yes, only mental. I know that this thread is a little chaotic, not following a line of thinking. But I rather tend to continue that path, having it as a talk, rather a lecture. So, don't be afraid to jump from one theme to another, in fact, it could fire better and more interesting...
  15. P

    What it takes to win... outside gear

    1. Ahah... who doesn't? And not only the bolt, did I pick the right ammo? Think a check list could help here, a mental one I mean. Let's develop an eye sight memory that shows the right place for each item. If one is missing, our brain should gives us a warning. This technique...
  16. P

    What it takes to win... outside gear

    Before addressing the target... Let us know the very last seconds before the voice: "Start shooting" What do you do to prepare the card? Do you have a routine? Are you anxious, or nervous? How do you compose yourself? Or just an empty feeling... Does this last moments have ever made you change...
  17. P


    very wise words
  18. P

    Jeff Patterson's J-PAT SPEC Rifles

    Thanks Tony, and my question was more a rhetoric one, because it won't be shoot that way. Maybe I'm too picky, but even for just a photo, a better approach could have been taken.
  19. P

    Jeff Patterson's J-PAT SPEC Rifles

    I noted the rear ring is poorly mounted on the base. There are other photos that show it with the scope, and in fact the rear ring is off... Any update coming?
  20. P

    What it takes to win... outside gear

    Nice to learn different solutions to the same issue... others noise. However, we can't use any electronics on the line, so those type of ear accessories aren't allowed. But we can use a double system, ear plugs and earmuffs.