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  1. P

    Rimfire Bench Rest Shooting

    Thank you all for your kind words.
  2. P

    2023 IR 50/50 3-Gun Nationals

    Good shooting Tony!
  3. P

    2023 IR 50/50 Sporter Nationals Results

    Congrats Tony.
  4. P

    How did I get there (my story)

    Larry, you should always favour testing closer to how you use the rifle. In this case with a free recoil on a one piece rest. Unfortunately, I don't have experience with such a rest, so can't give you any advice on how to control recoil. Maybe TKH could jump to help here. The locked down test...
  5. P

    How did I get there (my story)

    That's a very interesting question. I'll say 322 is a miracle speed to be found, and 330 is a blessing for indoors, if they match the rifle, of course. That said, we can use both outdoors. What I have found is a bigger drift for faster ammo vs slower ones. This is against common sense, as we...
  6. P

    Rimfire Coldbore issues....

    My experience is related to BR shooting at 50m. And with much slower ammo.
  7. P

    Rimfire Coldbore issues....

    Hi Fred, Normally the out shot goes either up (majority of times) or down (fewer). Either will mean a vertical line, and a vertical line means tuner out. Things get more "complex" when it goes up and left/right, or down left/right. It could mean a not concentric tuner. Sometimes you just...
  8. P

    Rimfire Coldbore issues....

    I think we are mixing things. On thing is a 1st shot out, and other thing is whatever the shot number, if the rifle goes out of its rhythm, the next shot is out. 1st condition is a non issue. Just shot until it groups and you're done until next cleaning. If you clean, the circle starts again...
  9. P

    Rimfire Coldbore issues....

    I can only agree with Tony. Just remember if you wait couple of minutes for the next shot due to wind for exemple, go to the sighters and shoot. Better be on the safe side.
  10. P

    How did I get there (my story)

    Wind, wind, wind... Shooting in the wind is the ultimate fun. Of course there are barrels more forgiving than others, but this is related to their rifling configuration and geometry of grooves. Less is better, fewer and shallow without sharp angled grooves. The hardest to shoot in the wind are...
  11. P

    How did I get there (my story)

    Hi Fred, I have developed my method controlling cleanliness with a borescope. As I do clean regularly, and majority of times, every other card, one or two bronze strokes will do. Note that I pass the bronze from muzzle to chamber. It's hard to tell how many rounds through the barrel, but saying...
  12. P

    How did I get there (my story)

    We all have our comfort zone. Getting out of it is always challenging. A comfort zone is a brain defense margin that keeps a person within expected actions that we are used to. If applied to shooting, and giving an example, if a shooter regularly shots 247s, that his(her) comfort zone. This is a...
  13. P

    How did I get there (my story)

    Indeed, that's a big ace I have. The more challenging the more motivated I became, and I never throw the towel on the flor, I battle till the end. My better example was, couple of years ago, in an important match, on my 2nd card shot, a bad ammo went two rows down and hit a four... I ended that...
  14. P

    How did I get there (my story)

    A BR50 competition is a major event in terms of shooters logistics. A World event with 9 shooters is a logistics nightmare… part of Portuguese Team went by car, and the rest by plane to Luxemburg, where we rent a 9-seat van droving down to Volmerange. Big cases went by car, rifles and ammo with...
  15. P

    How did I get there (my story)

    A lot about gear, and how to settle it to suit our shooting. 2021 was a fantastic year for us but also shown that still a lot to grow to the upcoming 2022 Worlds. In the meantime, we have developed our Teams, increasing the interaction outside competitions and establishing a “willing to take...
  16. P

    How did I get there (my story)

    Hi Fred, thanks. Something around 60x6 cm.
  17. P

    How did I get there (my story)

    Tuning, tuners, and the like… This is a very interesting and important, I must say, part of my story. I have been through all kind of mistakes and traps, just name them… until one day I realize a different approach has to be made. More often than not, among my fellow shooters, from our Teams...
  18. P

    How did I get there (my story)

    Let’s considerer towards shooting, 2020 as a dark side, because all was closed down. I already told you that I took my time to perfect a lot of things that didn’t need going to the range. But, we, as a Team, worked a lot to push forward benchrest in Portugal. If we look back it seems we came...
  19. P

    How did I get there (my story)

    I'll talk later on the specific topic about scopes and rings, but more than happy to answer you. A bit of salt here... that's my way of seeing things, not THE way. I often ask others their opinion and how to. Then I analyse, experiment and made my mind. That's a very interesting point Larry...