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  1. S

    300 yard groups !

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    300 yard groups !

    I definitely see vertical also . Using 30 grains Varget with 107 smk.
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    300 yard groups !

    Hi Rick ! To be perfectly honest im not sure how it groups at 100 . I sight in at 100 and immediate go to 300 and 500 since all my shooting is done at those yardages . I even do all my load work up at 300. I had one wind flag out but I’m not very experienced reading the wind so I pretty much...
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    300 yard groups !

    Went to the range today and all the work and practice is making things finally come together . My first 4 shots (I know 4 isn’t enough) looked pretty small so I had to drive down and get it . After that I did shoot a 15 round string . 6BR off the bench . I am pretty happy . If any one sees...
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    Front rest ear tension

    Ok , so I tightened s..t out of front rest and shot a 394 at my first 500 yard F class match . Almost free recoil . Think I’m onto something here !
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    Front rest ear tension

    Bald eagle cast iron slingshot rest . Everything is locked down tight . Put rest on bench and eye ball that it’s pointed at Target . Slam rear bag down . Put butt of rifle in rear bag making sure it’s centered. Push rifle back and forth while watching crosshairs .
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    First F class match

    Thank You !
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    First F class match

    Hi guys ! Will be shooting my first F Class match as soon as spring gets here . Any suggestions would really be appreciated . Savage F Class rifle 6BR 30” Shilen Sightron 10-50 Bald Eagle front rest Protektor leather rear bag 28.1 gr Varget (slow but accurate) 300 yards from Bench (for...
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    Front rest ear tension

    Ok ! Quick update ! I tightened the ears down pretty good , leaned into rifle and pinned it to front stop and didn’t shoot outside the 10 ring all day . What a difference . Shot my best group of all time at 300 yards ! Right about .2 inches . Flipped me right out !
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    Front rest ear tension

    Thanks for response ! Do u shoot free recoil or pinned to front stop ?
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    Front rest ear tension

    You bring up a good point about rifles not moving around by themselves , making me think it’s me . It’s winter so I wonder if my big Carhart coat is hitting somewhere it shouldn’t be . Thanks for the tip . I’ll look into this . Rear bag is a Protektor leather with Sandpaper on bottom . Might...
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    Front rest ear tension

    Hi Guys ! Just how tight should the ears grip the forend ? I have a savage F class rifle with 3” forend . No matter what I still get a little movement of crosshairs on target. If I crank down the tension will it elimate this movement ? Thx Mark
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    Front rest ear tension

    Not getting gross movement ! Maybe .25 MOA
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    Front rest ear tension

    I’ve tried free recoil , medium hold and heavy . Trigger is maybe 8 oz. The movement isn’t from trigger , not sure what it’s from. Just not as stable in bags as I think it could be . That’s why I asked if I should tighten up front rest ears , for better stability.
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    Front rest ear tension

    Hi guys ! Just how tight should the ears grip the forend ? I have a savage F class rifle with 3” forend . No matter what I still get a little movement of crosshairs on target. If I crank down the tension will it elimate this movement ? Thx Mark
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    Need shooting advice ! PLEASE !

    No Wind flags ! Guess I need to make some .
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    Need shooting advice ! PLEASE !

    Hi Guys ! Any help would be extremely appreciated . Here’s the specs. Savage 10 action Bedded HS stock 28” Criterion Bull with Brake Sightron 10-50 Bald eagle front rest and protecktor rear bag 168 FGMM 13 shots 300 yards Very Very light hold Main group is 1.6” , add damn flier it becomes 2.5”