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  1. L

    Annealing made perfect aztec sort

    Guys this changes everything. This is one of the greatest things ever invented for a competition shooter. This takes us into the 22nd Century. I always thought the machine was something every competition shooter that Anneals should use. This takes it 10 steps forward. This is just as important...
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    1000 yard rifles

    What area do you live in and what discipline .
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    WBC14 - Heavy 200, Heavy grand and 2gun results

    Congratulations to the Australian team, Also to Mike Conry for winning the individual 2 gun award. The best come to the top.
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    A bad day

    Dave, I am a Vereran and did serve in Vietnam. My post had nothing to do with Veteran’s Day or Memorial Day, only Benchrest and the World Team Match.
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    An open letter to Lou

    We can table this till after the world shoot
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    Not such a Bad Day.

    Larry, I consider you one of the smartest men I know. You keep talking about Audrey. Publicizing all this stuff about Audrey only sets our organization up for lawsuit. A lawsuit I believe we will surely lose. I have never questioned what she had done as an employee. That’s between her and the...
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    Not such a Bad Day.

    Larry you said Second I was at a casual meeting on the firing line on a practice day with Dennis and Gene. We asked Dennis if he had given authorization to Audrey for the membership and he said no he had not. Maybe he did not remember, okay. Check your timeline last time three of you were at...
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    Not such a Bad Day.

    When they came out of the meeting at the super shoot, all bragging about how they got Rodney off the world team once and for all. I made a call and found out this information and I text it to a friend of Gene’s so Gene wouldn’t make a fool of himself and told him he better call Dennis . He...
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    A bad day

    November 11, Rodney Brown Memorial Day In remembrance of the only NBRSA member to be removed from the US World Team.
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    Dunrude Hydraulic Windage Top

    I have a couple I don’t need.
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    Tubal 3000 - What's it good for?

    If I remember right that was the powder that almost burnt down two homes. They both started after they opened them at range then took them home. I Don't think Mike can post otherwise he could tell you.
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    GREAT NEWS !!!, For a Change

    Get your rest we still have fishing to do.
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    Action Required Save the NBRSA

    All the members of the NBRSA, in the six regions whose director perhaps didn't think this decision through completely need to request an immediate recall of their director and replace him with someone that will make a business decision to save the NBRSA. This may be the last way to resolve...
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    A warning for all NBRSA Members

    Well said Jim I've been at the NRA f- class nationals for the past 2 weeks. I don't get done shooting till Sunday. Then I'll find time to give a response and maybe a few corrections to his response that were wrong. I still believe they would do anything to keep him off the world team. Drain the...
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    NBRSA and good standing members

    All the actions taken place between the president, the directors and the NBRSA secretary at that time had absolutely nothing to do with Rodney Brown. He is an individual NBRSA member himself and shouldn't be held responsible or held to a different standard for problems between the secretary and...
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    Scarborough Stocks

    This the color your looking for
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    The march new 48x is the best right now Next would be the night force 42. There is a Definite difference in power . I like the power .
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    Durwood Wofford shoots potential world record at the Rattlesnake !!

    I was there and it was not that easy of a day. Fantastic shooting.
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    Tucker barrels

    I think it was flash now that I remember
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    Tucker barrels

    Found a barrel laying around . I think was made by Cecil Tucker or a friend of his. It's a left-hand twist tucker it says. Anybody remember these.