Custom 6mm BR bullets ?


I haven’t shot CF BR for around 10-12 years.
Who makes custom 6ppc bullets now days ?
I know Bart’s doesn’t make my favorite 66 gr any more. I mean I guy wants a box of 100 to see what a Rifle may like. I don’t want to buy 500 that the Rifle won’t shoot.
Hottenstein's are always great. Most bullets will shoot with most barrels so it is not a waste, Their is always 1 that shoots a little better with a certain barrel. But you have to know how to tune them to get there.
IMG_1619.jpegOk thanks. Not like years ago. There used to be all kinds of custom bullets out there. I Remember BiBs, Hottenstein. Bart’s. I have some Generic brand. My favorite 66 gr Barts I seen no longer made. I knew about that and was bummed out. I must have been the only guy shooting them. I sure shot a bunch of good targets with them.
My favorite 66 gr Barts I seen no longer made. I knew about that and was bummed out. I must have been the only guy shooting them. I sure shot a bunch of good targets with them.
Maybe talking with Bart would be helpful?
Call Bart, Call bullet central, call Bruno's, call around, Berger makes a good bullet. Bergers are in stock at different shops for BR. There are actually more bullet makers than 10 yra ago....
Thanks. I am good for right now.
It was just my search didn’t turn up much, for some reason. I still have a bunch of column bullets. Ah I didn’t love them but shot some decent targets with them. Still have 500 65BT Generic that Gary Conaway made me. Yep they are quite old now. I never shot them. I quit shooting right about that time.
Thanks for the help.
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Last I heard Gary stopped making bullets. Health issues. A lot of friends around MI, IN, and OH shot his bullets....Lacey Tilley shot a lot of good groups...
Gary is just starting to make bullets again, but I would say limited quantity and probably to fill customers back orders prior to his health issues (which are improved significantly I am happy to say) Not sure if he is taking current orders or will again, but I plan on tapping into his knowledge as I start making my own. I am lucky enough to know him at shoot with him at my home range.
Mike at Chippewa Rifle club. The
Nelson Berger Range?
I used to drive out every Saturday morning for the club group match. My guess for like two years. It was one of the best ranges I’ve ever shot. We always had a great day.
So I guess I kind of know Gary. I think Randy was Present back then. IT would have been around 2011-2014.
Actually shot and loaded with them guys and Nelson himself. He was always the last one there and to set up but he was still a threat.
Well, Mike that is good to know. Thank You.
Gary is a great guy. Very knowledgeable. I met Gary at my first Super Shoot. He talked my ear off.
I meant to say. Gary told me a ton of stuff in an hour. All good stuff. And he was very gracious of his time on the phone.
I know it was a very happy time in my life.
I definitely look back on it. Wasn’t that long ago but I certainly had some good years there and shooting with those guys was a big part of it. I haven’t been shooting any CF at all. I got into shooting 22LR and have been shooting RFBR. It’s a lot of fun. I really enjoy it.
I have the pleasure of having breakfast with the old guys on Saturday morning at Cracker Barrel. I get to pick their brains about all things benchrest and bullet making including Gary, Jack Neary, Howie Levy, Don Rosetti (sp), Paul Weihe and Dave Tack...probably 150yrs of bullet making experience between them or more. I am the young buck at almost 50. Someone has to chaperone the old guys when they are out of the house....especially Howie
I have the pleasure of having breakfast with the old guys on Saturday morning at Cracker Barrel. I get to pick their brains about all things benchrest and bullet making including Gary, Jack Neary, Howie Levy, Don Rosetti (sp), Paul Weihe and Dave Tack...probably 150yrs of bullet making experience between them or more.
Surely there were some interesting tales told; care to share some of 'em. :)
I bet.
What ever happened to Randy Peroiski not sure I spelled his name right. Jeff Gadios ? Not sure I spelled his last name right.
Randy was a Hoot to shoot with.
I loaded with Jeff on my left and Gary on my Right. So yea I had a good time. I learned a lot.
I bet.
What ever happened to Randy Peroiski not sure I spelled his name right. Jeff Gadios ? Not sure I spelled his last name right.
Randy was a Hoot to shoot with.
I loaded with Jeff on my left and Gary on my Right. So yea I had a good time. I learned a lot.
Randy passed about 5yrs ago, but i did get a chance to meet and shoot with him. More accurately he was there while I shot as his health was already failing, but he was still in it and wanted to be at the range as much as before. He had some bullets from Niemi that he was supposed to test and I was the only score shooter in the club. We had a great time and I got to learn how he practiced and hear some tips on machining.
As far as Gaidos he is still active though I don't get to shoot with him very often as our schedules don't line up. He hasn't come to the breakfast gatherings as yet, but it would be great to hear his perspective on bullet making and wind reading as well.
As far as the stories go it is tough to recount those from the other guys, but I can say that anytime Howie shows up it gets very colorful!
Thanks. I think I might have heard Randy had passed. But I CRS. So I wasn’t sure.
They used to tease me that I was a score shooter at the Group match. Because of this target. They would say if we had your Rifle we would win every match with it. There was maybe some truth to that.
I had shot a few 250 25X’s with that Rifle in club 100/200 score matches at McDonald PA. So you know maybe they were right. But I never liked shooting score, I just wanted to shoot group.
Gary and Randy scored that target.
One of my favorite stories. Barrels were getting very hard to get my Kreiger was tired. I picked up a LV 13.5 barrel blank. I won’t say the manufacture but MR Borden did not like it but he didn’t have any blanks. He said send it he would do it for me. So I did everything known to be done and the very best I could get it to shoot was .170 I even had some secret stashes of bullets. Nothing would do better than .170. Jeff was not there that match. So I’m telling Gary and a few other guys before the match about my new barrel and I’m disappointed because nothing better than .170. No hope for a tiny one. So I guess they thought I was BS them. I don’t remember how I did at 200 but at 100 I shot. .170, .170, .171. Gary said hey it really does shoot .170. Like I don’t think he believed me. So going into the forth relay I’m in first place. I shot the first two in a hole. The wind picked up. I knew I should have held a dot. But I shot it cut out in the direction of the wind. It picked up more and I thought that’s not going to move it any more, it’s been sticking them. Well to my surprise it cut out more in the direction of the wind. So now a horizontal slit maybe a high .2. So I thought maybe get out of here with a .3 . So I waited for the flags to come back and when they did, I ran one in and jumped on the trigger and out the bottom for a .555. They laughed and said how do you shoot three. .170’s in a row and turn in a .555. So yea they really ribbed me about that. I got out of the last relay with a. .203. I think I ended up 5-6th. So the next match Jeff said I saw the scores, you guys must of had really good conditions. In a ribbing type way. So he was kind of on us about how good the conditions must have been. They weren’t any different than normal. I finally burnt up that barrel and you could not get barrels or primers. Primers were like non existent. After trying and shooting a bunch of years and finally had a Rifle that could win and now this BS. So I got pissed off and sold most of my SR BR stuff. I really wish now that I hadn’t sold that Rifle. I had a few I sold.