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  • B
    Hello Butch.
    You have been helpful to me before.
    I want to thank you again.
    This time regarding the choose of stocks.
    I asked you if you recomend the Walnut Leonard stock for Hv.

    I have bougt two Leonards stocks the last two years.
    One Lv Red wood och one Hv Walnut.
    Both are great but I think the Walnut is the best.
    It´s tracking very good, are stabil and damp the vibration excellent.

    I use it with BAT 3L action and a nice Deon March 36-55 - 52 EP zoom scope on top.

    It´s a pleasure shooting with it, Wayne Campbell has done a great job again.:)

    Jan Ronnlund
    I just wanted to personaly thank you for your kind words in the gunsmith for a living post. I fully intend to hang in and make this work for me and the encouragement from someone like you really makes me stand a little straighter and want to produce the best product I can. Thank you again and If I am one of the good guys as you say then that has to put you into a group that I can only aspire to earn my way into some day.
    Thanks for your kind words
    Brandon Johnson
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